Sunday, Third Week of Advent

Psalm 30

A Prescription for a Full, Joyful, and Happy Life

Speech by Deacon Daniel DeLucca, father of Daniel DeLucca

(Excerpt from the Commencement Ceremony at Neumann University, Aston, PA - May 17, 2014)

Might I suggest a prescription for such a full, joyful and happy life? Consider these attributes.

  1. Pray — converse with God. God is love and mercy. Put your trust in Him. Make spirituality a part of your life.

  2. Laugh — Enjoy the humor of life. Despite the tragedies of life, life can be funny, with many funny moments. Laughter is good medicine.

  3. Embrace relationships — We are social beings. Embrace your relationship with God, your family, friends and loved ones. They are meaningful parts of who you are. Be a loving, forgiving person.

  4. Reach for Self-Fulfillment — Feel good about yourself. Accomplish something every day regardless of how minimal it may be. Take pride in what you do. Expressing your talent gives you identity.

  5. Be Positive — Have a positive attitude. The glass is half-full. Smile! Be upbeat!

  6. Serve Others — Use your talents to be of service to others. To serve is to love. When you give of yourself, you become more complete. When you touch the lives of others, you add joy to your own life.

  7. Continue to learn — Your education does not stop today. Learning is ongoing. Be open to new knowledge; new developments. Learning and the thirst for knowledge are the foundations of growth.

However, you may find that some tomorrows will be sad and even cruel. Your faith, your upbringing and your education will help you to cope with them. And you will find some tomorrows will be happy, successful, and fulfilling. Embrace them; cherish them. Life is a mixture of tears and laughter, sadness and joy, agonies and ecstasies.

May the tears and sadness make you stronger and more compassionate, and the laughter and joy enrich the fullness of your life.

And in the December of your life, may you look back and say: I laughed and I cried; I succeeded and I failed; I sinned and I was holy; I had a lot and I had nothing; I was right and I was wrong; but above all, I served and I loved.

Above all, I loved.