Wednesday, Fourth Week of Advent

Psalm 113

Reflection by Don Wilbert


It's one word, but probably the most important word in the Book of Psalms; it means “praise Jah”, or “Praise I AM!” It was a group shout to open the most important celebrations of the liturgical year. If you can mean and feel it, you have a warm gratitude toward our Lord which will open your heart to Divine love. At this level we are all connected.

One of our Baptismal vows is to seek and serve Christ in all persons. I don't have a clue as to how to do this without opening my heart. Turbulence in human affairs brings waves of fear that slam it shut. I can feel changes in relaxation, breathing, and attitude when fear is unloaded by Grace. I say, “It sure feels good feeling good again.”

In the fifth century, Leo the Great said “No one is shut out from this joy.” Our prayer at our celebration, “Hosanna in the highest,” is part of our work to assist in Christ's great work of healing the human family. It means ”Save now, we pray.” Meaning and feeling this will allow us to be brought out of feeling shut out and into feeling included, which we were in the first place.

Hallelujah! Jesus is born and dwells among us!