Wednesday, Third Week of Advent

Psalm 125; Malachi 3:16-4:6; Mark 9:9-13

Psalm 125

Reflection by Don Wilburt

This is written a couple of weeks after a shockwave from Paris hit us all. In Coffee and Conversation some of us were thrown for a loss. I felt shocked for days.

I looked at Psalm 125, which I had signed up for. Check it out. Ancient military metaphors to commend our faith as the way back to peace. How relevant to a global war with terrorists? Our group had all agreed to the goodness of Jesus' teachings as wonderful for our personal lives, but often humanly impossible for the larger picture. Yet everything is connected and everything matters.

I felt shocked for days. Sunday, time with the kids in Godly Play helped and the Eucharist helped after that. At home I used music, Kathie's support, walks, and some stretches designed as a tool to help one who wants to let God's love back in.

The need for forgiveness turns out to be a key to peace and to happiness. With modern communications we can get judgmental toward so many people in so many places. A Christian way is “send them some love.” We can pray for anyone when we can find love, and trust the Spirit to deliver it to them. All parties benefit.

I John states our faith that whoever loves is born of God and knows God. The things that are unavoidable but humanly impossible to handle are invitations to let God into our lives. He can guide the setting of the best boundaries that can be found, in order to prevent horrible behavior. There is no need to stay passive or detached.